Is there transportation available? Potentially! Contact your local staff through their website.
Wisconsin have area specific Camper Information posted with important deadlines. Or search for staff here:
Are there scholarships available? The answer differs by state, but the answer is usually good news! Many Minnesota (& other states') FCA areas have a scholarship code. It is real money raised locally, specific to your area so you'll need to connect with local staff if a code is not posted. Check here for specific information: Minnesota ... Or, search for local staff at: For all Wisconsin athletes, for compliance reasons, the cost for camp is subsidized by fundraising to cost $100 less than the true cost of the event. An area specific code will be needed.
What time does camp start and end? On Tuesday campers can check in between 11:00am and 1:00pm. Lunch is not provided as a part of camp, so eat before arrival or pack a lunch. Camp wraps up at 3:33pm on Friday with a large group program. Specific locations will be emailed to camper parents ahead of camp.
Can my child leave camp/be picked up and return? Unless it's a medical need or emergency situation, NO. Camp is an "all in" experience and for a variety of reasons it is required to stay throughout. We understand this may require missing a summer league game or practice. We are confident that the athlete will not regret the sacrifice. This is a firm rule.
Can I make roommate requests? Roommate requests are optional.
We allow a single roommate request, with conditions. You may request ONE roommate, of the same gender, same sport, and within one grade level. MOST Bethel dorm rooms only hold two campers (a few female dorm rooms hold 3-4, there is no way to request these rooms ahead of time, do not try - you would risk not getting your preferred roomie - you can request NOT to be in these rooms). We encourage campers and parents to consider that for decades, we did not allow roommate requests for logistical and social reasons. It has been a great opportunity for athletes to form fast friendships with new people. If your roommate request needs to be updated after registering, or you become aware of an issue (like multiple people requesting the same person) please clarify by emailing the Camp Registrar prior to June 12th with a clear explanation.
Campers will stay in air-conditioned dorms near their age and gender-appropriate huddle group. Friends from home will not be far away! We promise a welcoming/comforting environment as soon as your child steps on campus.
What should I pack? I'm glad you asked! Click HERE!
What do I do if my child has dietary restrictions/concerns? The University's cafeteria provides a variety of foods for each meal, with descriptions posted. Most dietary restrictions have been taken into account and almost any diet can easily be met. Campers should communicate any unique issues to FCA Staff. If it's a really unique issue, can get you in touch with Food Services staff, the earlier in the process the better.
My child has prescription medication. How is that handled? Upon arrival, during registration, will need to talk to the Camp Nurse. Campers should pack pills to have easy access for the nurse to log. All medications need to be in a clearly identifiable bottle with name, correct dosing and bring only the amount needed for camp. (This does not apply for “as needed” medications such as ibuprofen, etc.).
We have a family vacation or tournament planned, can I pick up my child early on Friday? Yes. If we do our jobs right, your kid will be bummed to have to leave early, but it's not a deal breaker. Your camper will need to "check out" with their Huddle Leader by showing a clean room, returning key(s) and being seen off by Camp Staff/Huddle Leader. Please communicate on the arrangements once camp is underway so your child's Huddle Leader can be informed. We will make it work. Let Camp Registrar Katie Vesely know.
Can my child use their phone during camp? Cell phone use throughout camp will be discouraged. Just like school, campers will be expected to lock phones in their rooms to fully engage in practices, huddle meetings, and the evening program. Campers will be able to call/text home during free times and anytime they need.
Does my athlete need to bring any of their own equipment? Potentially! A basic list of the equipment your athlete needs to bring can be found by Clicking HERE.