If you are an adult (FCA Staff or Volunteer), please use the right button above to register for camp.
Step 1: Enter your contact info
Step 2: Apply for a Camp
Step 3: In "Other Information" indicate the following:
Step 4: We will contact you directly if there is a need for a Ministry Leader Application (MLA). You do not have to fill it out when registering for camp.
Leadership is the key ingredient to success. We believe in building strong, influential high school leaders whose desire is to see lives transformed for Jesus Christ on their teams and on their campus.
We are excited to invest in these FCA student-athlete leaders, giving them confidence, skills and encouragement to serve others for the sake of the Gospel.
Our desire is that every FCA huddle sends TWO student-athlete leaders to the 2023 FCA LEADership Camp. We anticipate that God will stir in their hearts and prepare them for His purposes.
At FCA LEADership Camp, you'll be given opportunities and tools to:
All of us are chasing something that we believe will ultimately fulfill us and cement our legacy. At some point, we will find that these things still leave us empty and weighed down. In 2025, let's discover a GLORY that never fades, that frees us to go all out on and off the field to reflect love and hope for others!
- Isaiah 43:7